the universe and everything
How the universe began
Whenever I look up at the sky at night and see
the Milky Way I often wonder about the Big Bang. What I can't get my head
around is how the process could go from nothing to the start of the Big Bang.
How can one have nothing and then suddenly all the necessary materials that
produced our universe? What alternatives are there for the big bang theory? I
don't believe in creationism but cant get my head around all space, time and
matter coming into being from a single point?
The reason people have
problems understanding the Big Bang, is that they are imagining that space and
time have always existed, like a picture frame ready for some painter to come
along. They are trying to see the big bang "happening" within that
frame. They are pretending that time stretches infinitely far back and that the
big bang happened like a bomb going off.
order to make any progress with understanding the origin of the universe (at
least as much about the origin of the universe as we can squeeze out of
cosmological observations and general relativity) we have to get rid of this
eternal space and time idea. One simple way to remind ourself of this is the
phrase: There was no time before time came into existence.
big bang theory is a little like Darwiniam evolution. It is a theory which has
been so successful that all competitors have been marginalised. So there really
are no good alternatives. However, there are important pieces missing that
aren't understood very well at all...and these are arguably the most important
pieces. How did life begin? How did the universe begin?
versions of the "big bang theory" don't even discuss the origin of
the universe...many scientists are content to discuss the big bang only so far
as the observational evidence goes...and it goes back surprisingly far. But, as
is always the case, it becomes more tenuous as we go further back. For example,
we can study the production of helium in the universe during the first three
minutes and we can test our predictions quite precisely. We can study the
formation of the first atoms about 400,000 years after the big bang. To some
extent we can even test theories about what happened after the first billionth
of a billionth of a second. Our ideas about what happened earlier (or even
whether it makes sense to talk about times earlier than that) should be
approached with a healthy scepticism.
you could find good evidence that some star or galaxy (or anything else) was
older than the 13.7 billion year estimate for the age of the universe, you
would have strong evidence against the big bang and you'd win a Nobel prize and
alternatives to the big bang would be popping out everywhere.
Zero-gravity birth
Are there any predictions of what will happen
when people are born in zero or weaker gravity conditions eg will they be able
to live on Earth after several years in such conditions.
used to have large difficulties readjusting to earth's gravity after long
duration space flights (imagine watching TV for a few weeks from a very soft
couch and then trying to get up and walk around - you'd have difficulties too).
best solution to these difficulties appears to be regular focused exercises
that put stresses on bones and muscles in the way that earth's gravity does.
This is what astronauts now do. I imagine that if a human or any other biped or
quadruped was born in zero gravity and lived in it for a large fraction of its
formative years without such focused exercise, some degree of walking
impairment might be irreversible.
Is gravity faster than
Light travels at a finite speed (but nothing
can travel faster than it). It takes light approximately eight minutes to
travel from our Sun to Earth (1AU). But if the Sun were to disappear the
gravitational effects would be felt instantly. Is all this true? If so does
gravity travel faster than light?
gravity does not travel faster than light. The gravitational force also travels
at the speed of light. This was postulated by Einstein, and was first measured
in 2003 by scientists at National Radio Astronomy Observatory in
Charlottesville, Virginia. Formally the effects of gravity are manifested
through its effect on the shape of space-time, and this distortion moves at the
speed of light. So if the Sun were to suddenly disappear then space-time would
react to that at the speed of light and in about 8 minutes the Earth would head
off in a straight line, along a tangent to its orbit at the time that the
gravitational force from the Sun disappeared - ie about 8 mins after the Sun
itself disappeared, and at the same time that things suddenly got very dark!
influences also propagate at the speed of light. According to General
Relativity, changes in distributions of mass produce gravity waves, which
communicate the changes. There is currently a concerted effort to try to detect
these waves experimentally.
if the Sun were to disappear, we would only know about it eight minutes
gravitational waves have not yet been observed, we think that such a change in
gravitation fields will travel in much the same way as light or other
electromagnetic waves travel, and with the same speed. Thus it would be about
eight minutes before we knew that the Sun's gravitational field has
What the universe
looks like now
If the light from stars and galaxies that we
see (telescopes, Hubble or eyes) is from millions of years ago, what does the
universe actually look like now and do we have any way of telling what that is?
is a good question. It raises a subtle issue that we do not have to deal with
on a daily basis, because of the speed of light being so fast. This is the
issue of "simultaneity". How do two different people know that two
events occurred *simultaneously*? Einstein told us that there is no preferred
time, only time relative to an observer. So when the question asks "what
does it look like now" we have to reply "according to who?" The
concept of "now" is fuzzy!
is true that when we look in the sky we see the stars etc as they were when the
light left. This is also true when we look at our watch. We see the time when
the light left the watch, not the time "now". But since these are so
close together, we do not even consider that the times are different. But
technically they are. And when you start dealing with huge distances, then it
can be important.
imagine looking at the binary star system alpha Centauri. It is about 4 light
years away so we see the two stars as they were 4 years ago. How do they look
now? Well - they look exactly as we see them! It depends on who is looking and
how far away they are... Maybe we should ask "How are the stars arranged
now?" Well, if you know the orbit, you can move them forward 4 years, and
that is the position they have "now". But its almost meaningless, as
you cannot see them in that position. Further, maybe some disaster occurred and
the system has been destroyed! We simply do not know until the information (ie
light in this case) gets to us. So what do we mean by "real position"
and "now"? Until the information arrives, we simply cannot be
Lunar lifestyle
We are told Man is going back to the Moon and
beyond, but has anyone yet thought of providing him with safe functional living
quarters below ground? A thin walled space vehicle above ground will not
protect Mankind from solar flares etc.
surface of the Moon and Mars is largely blanketed by regolith, which is loose
material like soil, sand, and gravel that can be easily excavated. There has
been quite a lot of study into using Lunar and Martian regolith to provide
radiation shielding. The advantage of this is that you can use local materials
to construct the radiation shielding needed for long missions.
are several ways that regolith could be used. The simplest is to bag it and
drape the upper surfaces of your lunar or Martian station with these bags. Or
you could erect a flat roof and spread a layer of regolith on this. Other
suggestions include burying the entire Moon or Mars station by piling regolith
over the top or digging a trench and placing your living modules in these
before roofing these over and burying them in more regolith.
might even be possible to use natural caves, such as lava tubes, as shelters,
if these are in the right places and the right size and shape. Lava tubes,
rather like those found in Queensland and Victoria, are believed to occur in
several places on the Moon and Mars. As for using places like Coober Pedy as a
way of learning how people might cope with living underground, I think this is
an excellent idea.
we can expect to see is the construction of bases using modules like those on
the International Space Station. Radiation shielding will have to be improved.
Coping with dusty places like the Moon and Mars will have its own challenges.
Hazards may have to be diminished by limiting the duration of occupation. Not
only the major space agencies but also the MARS Society is actively
experimenting with such habitats and lifestyles, including here in Australia.
Moons with moons
Why don't moons have moons?
The Earth orbits the
Sun, and so is a satellite of the Sun. The Moon orbits the Earth, and so is a
satellite of a satellite. Even small asteroids orbiting the Sun can have other
asteroids orbiting them (asteroid-moons). So, in theory, our Moon, or the moon
of any other planet, could have its own moon: a moon-moon.
orbit of such a moon-moon must lie within a certain restricted region around
the primary moon, called the "Hill sphere". The size of the Hill
sphere depends on the gravitational fields of all bodies in the system. Massive
bodies (like Jupiter and Neptune) that are far from other massive objects will
have the largest Hill spheres, and thus the largest regions in which stray
objects could be "captured" into orbits to become moons.
moons are so small and orbit so close to their parent bodies that they have
very small Hill spheres and thus very small regions in which moon-moons could
exist. Even within this region, a moon-moon may not be long-lived. Tidal effects
may distort the shape of the primary body, changing the gravitational force on
the satellite and slowing it down or speeding it up. In many cases the
satellite's orbit will decay: the moon-moon will either crash into its parent
moon or be torn apart by tidal effects. Indeed, after an extremely long period
of time, some of the moons in the Solar System are expected to crash into their
parent planets. Perhaps one distant day a curious person will ask, "Why
don't some planets have moons?"
The Outerverse
If the universe is infinite and at the same
time expanding, what is outside of our expanding universe? Is it finite or
latest cosmological observations are consistent with the idea that the universe
is spatially infinite (but the portion of it that we can see - the observable
universe - is finite). The universe does not expand like a bomb into previously
empty space. Astronomers casually say that distant galaxies are
"receding" or "moving away" from us, but the galaxies are
not travelling through space away from us. They are not fragments of a big bang
bomb that blew up 14 billion years ago in a specific place.
the space between the galaxies and us is expanding and the big bang happened
everywhere 14 billion years ago. One way to imagine this is to consider an
infinite rubber sheet. Draw a circle on the sheet to represent our observable
universe. Draw lots of other circles anywhere you want on the sheet to
represent other observable universes - they can overlap with our circle if you like.
Now let the rubber sheet expand. All the circles will get bigger but they don't
expand into previously empty space - all of space is expanding and this
expansion does not require empty space on the outside (wherever that is) to
expand into. When it expands, it does not claim previously unoccupied space
from its surroundings. In Einstein's general theory of relativity, the
foundation of modern cosmology, space can expand in this way as well as shrink
and curve without being embedded in a higher-dimensional space.
we observe the Universe we find that it looks pretty much the same in all
directions. We call this isotropy. Maps have been made of where galaxies reside
in the nearby Universe, and these show that the Earth is not at the centre of
the Universe. The Universe must therefore be isotropic around all points (ie
these observed requirements of isotropy and homogeneity are put into the theory
of General Relativity, a solution is found where space can expand (or
contract). However this space is not thought of as expanding into something. In
General Relativity space and time cannot be thought of separately as we do in
everyday life. Rather space and time make up a 4-dimensional
"space-time". Since its very hard to think in 4 dimensions we can
consider the following simple analogy.
a balloon, and think of its surface as a two dimensional world (in analogy to
our 3-d world). Things can move along the surface but not perpendicular to it.
To an observer on the surface this world looks isotropic around every point,
just like our universe. If the balloon is blown up, then the surface expands
around all points, again just like our Universe. In this analogy the balloon is
not expanding into space, but rather it is expanding in time. The balloon
analogy represents a finite universe (since one can measure the area of the
balloon). However General Relativity permits universes that are infinite as
well. We believe our Universe is infinite in extent.
Why doesn't the Earth
'capture' asteroids?
I read today about the impending near miss
with the meteor/asteroid. Why doesn't the Earth's gravitational field capture
these near miss satellites and why don't we have thousands of them orbiting the
Earth? If the answer to my first question is that the orbits would decay and
fall into the atmosphere to burn up, then why doesn't the Moon's orbit decay?
or not a passing body can be captured into the Hill sphere (the gravitational
sphere of influence around an astronomical body) depends on how fast it is
travelling. Many fast-moving objects will be able to escape, although their
trajectory may be altered by the "close" passage.
own Moon's orbit is actually expanding, not decaying. This is because the Earth
rotates faster than the Moon orbits the Earth, so that the tides that the Moon
raises on the Earth "lead" or are slightly "ahead of" the
Moon, speeding it up. This allows the Moon to move to a larger orbit.
Is there anybody out
What is the chance of there being life and
then intelligent life in our galaxy or the whole Universe?
our knowledge about types and numbers of planets in the galaxy improves, the
answer to this question is becoming more and more dependent on philosophy (how
does one define "intelligent"?) and on our knowledge of biology
(under what conditions can life thrive?) than on our knowledge of other
planetary systems.
we do know is that at least a few percent of all stars like our own Sun have
planets. Some of these planets are larger than Jupiter and made of gas. Others
are a few times the mass of the Earth, and probably rocky or icy worlds.
Astronomers doubt that any of the 194 planets now known orbiting other stars
are likely to support liquid water at their surface. Liquid water is sometimes
taken to be a condition for "life as we know it." (Of course, it is
quite possible that nature includes "life as we don't know it"!)
similar to our Earth are difficult to detect, and we have only just begun to
search with adequate tools. Within the next five to 20 years, we should have a
good estimate of the fraction of normal stars with vaguely Earth-like planets.
Given the huge number of stars in our galaxy (tens of billions) and the similar
number of galaxies in the Universe, we can probably be certain that a large number,
perhaps billions, of other Earth-like planets exist somewhere in the cosmos.
The question, for biologists and philosophers, is then: "Could any of
these planets harbour intelligent life?" In the absence of evidence to the
contrary, safe money may be on "yes."
When the Sun dies
Assuming that the reaction that makes the Sun
work was to stop, how long would it take to cool down and what would be left?
Sun is powered by the fusion of hydrogen. If this were to suddenly stop, then
the Sun would contract on itself, just as it did earlier in its life, when it
contracted from a large gas cloud to a star. It was only the start of hydrogen
fusion that halted this contraction, and if we somehow turn off the fusion then
the contraction will continue.
contraction will release gravitational energy and there would be no noticeable
change in the brightness of the Sun for quite some time - something like a few
million years! But it would gradually change, and as it contracts it uses up
the gravitational energy available to it, and it would eventually dim and
disappear, after maybe 50 million years, as a faint ball of gas not unlike a
very massive brown dwarf.
to the extreme pressures and temperatures at its core, the Sun can fuse
hydrogen into helium and other elements, releasing energy. The extreme
conditions are due to the outer layers of the Sun squeezing the core and making
fusion possible. Strangely, if we turned off nuclear fusion, the temperature of
the core would increase. The radiation produced by fusion pushes on the outer
layers and acts to reduce the central pressure - without the radiation, the
core would be squeezed to higher temperatures (this was one of the original
ideas for how the Sun was powered).
Sun would continue to glow brightly for tens of millions of years before
reaching the limit of its contraction, and then, as a big ball of hydrogen and
helium, would cool down towards absolute zero over billions of years.
Space colonies
How close are we to realising the dream of
humankind travelling to other worlds and solar systems, perhaps even colonising
them. Also, what are the most likely means of interstellar travel and humans
actually surviving the many hazards it will probably involve, such as massive
acceleration forces or high-velocity particles?
beyond the solar system is an old and fabulous human dream. The technological
advances needed to achieve this are immense, and I suspect it will require
several centuries of advances in almost every field of human endeavour before
we can do this, if it is possible at all.
important first step towards seeing whether we can actually achieve this is the
exploration and settlement of our immediate space environment, starting in
Earth orbit and moving on to the Moon, and Mars. It will be on Mars, the most
hospitable world in our solar systems for human life, that we can answer the
question as to whether or not humanity can become a multi-planet species, or
whether we must be content with living on Earth. We don't know if it will be
possible to live off our planet, but I believe it is important that we try.
is not a problem as it can be done gradually. I'm told that the launch of a
NASA shuttle is not uncomfortable for the astronauts. Dangerous radiation, bone
loss and muscle deterioration in space are the main problems. In time, all
these problems will probably be overcome. Then the major problem for long-term
travel will probably be psychological health.
this century we can expect to see exploration bases established on the Moon and
Mars, comparable with those already existing in Antarctica. Just possibly
astronauts might venture even further afield within the Solar System. But the
stars will remain unreachable.
the universe and everything
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